First, join America Approved Energy Services Direct, (we call it the AMA Nation). By joining the AMA Nation, you can start earning money on the electricity that your customers use monthly, and you can earn money on other energy products that we offer in all markets.
Second, after you join the AMA Nation, you can become your first customer by switching your electricity to Public Power (in the states in which they offer service). It is easy to switch to Public Power and it only takes a few minutes.
Among it's many features:
- Easy To Switch
- No Hidden Fees
- No Deposits
- Customer Appreciation Program
- Free Enrollment
- Your Physical Service Remains the Same
- No Credit Checks
- Simply Pay Your Bill As You Normally Do
Electricity is a product your friends, family, and co-workers already pay for every month. There is no need to convince them to use it; they already do. You are actually doing the people you know a favor by informing them that they have a choice.
This is what separates us from other opportunities. By simply educating the people you know and meet about the benefits of deregulation, you can create meaningful income.
Chances are you have been asked to look at other income opportunities; maybe you even joined one or two, maybe more! Trying to convince your network of contacts to buy a product or service they don’t need can be difficult and exhausting. If you are looking for an income opportunity that has a simple offer, one that is easy to talk about, one that doesn't require any additional spending and one that is absolutely essential, the AMA Nation is the right choice for you.
By joining the AMA Nation, not only can you save money on your electricity, but you can also become your first customer and earn a commission on your own electricity bill.
Our goal is to help you share with consumers multiple products, services, and information related to Electricity and Energy savings and to help you make money by teaching others about the benefits of energy deregulation!
Right Time - Right Place - Right Opportunity!
The following charts show customer migration statistics in four major markets. Four out of five customers have not chosen an alternate electricity provider and they are paying more for their electricity than they would with Public Power. People haven't switched because they don't know the opportunity to save exists. Someone is going to enroll the people you know, it might as well be you.
You’ve heard the following cliché time and time again: “You are in the right place at the right time” This time you really are. Currently U.S. consumers spend $297 billion on electricity annually! The deregulation of energy markets is just beginning and there are literally millions of prospects that have not yet made a choice. Now is your opportunity to be at the forefront of the next big trend in America!
A major trend… for the simple reason that electricity is a product that everyone has to have. Many people made money in the deregulation of telecom and it will happen again in the deregulation of electricity.
It’s time to make money! Let’s get plugged in!
*Only available in certain areas