There is just so much we can learn from this.
Let’s start by having you take a good look at the 10 items that comprise what has really become more than a “code of conduct” . . . its become the Zappos Culture!
- Deliver WOW Through Service
- Embrace and Drive Change
- Create Fun and A Little Weirdness
- Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded
- Pursue Growth and Learning
- Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication
- Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit
- Do More With Less
- Be Passionate and Determine
- Be Humble
And now, 5 more things for you to think about!
1) Do you personally have a “code of conduct”? Might sound a tad formal to do so, but isn’t this a part of your brand? Homework: Create your own list of 10 things that you want to stand for, be known for, represent and be synonymous with. Can’t think of 10? Start with 5. Start with 3. The key word here is to “start”!
2) Once you define these things, give thought to how you will demonstrate, better yet “live” them. Otherwise it’s nothing more just some useless words on a piece of paper!
3) Business Leaders: Do you have something like this for your business? Do your employees know it inside out? This is how you create a kick ass company culture by the way!
Note: This is exactly the kind of stuff you should be talking about in your staff meetings. A conversation about how you will continue to deliver on your principles is far more productive than a review of all that mundane administrative crap that could have just been emailed (and later deleted)
4) How about your customers? Do they know what you stand for? I’m thinking that publishing a core set of values not only keeps you highly accountable, it sets you apart. Actually, that’s not entirely true. When you publish them and actually live those principles . . . now you really stand out!
5) Leaders and Jedis: Once you have something like this in place, you must protect it. Someone once reminded me that as a leader, part of my job was to protect the culture. I respectfully (and partially) disagreed. I think a better approach is to create a culture that’s so strong, people are willing to protect it in your absence. In that instance, you have created something that is much bigger than you or I. It becomes the sum total of like minded souls who are committed to the cause!
So there you have it. 15 very cool ideas that might just have a profound impact on your business!
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